[The Duchess of the Attic] Ch 18: Documents I

By the time she returned to the Duke’s house, it was about to be dinner, and the butler Romit and the housekeeper gave her an annoyed look.

Despite that, Opal didn’t care and told them that she will have dinner with Hubert, and ordered the surprised Romit to come to the guest room to help her change.

She was thirsty, so she added that they should bring tea as well.

Both Romit and the housekeeper suppressed their anger and began to move.

Before entering the hall, Beth with a disgruntled expression came.

Moreover, the tea tray makes a high-pitched noise because it was roughly placed.

“Beth, I don’t know what’s so frustrating for you, but if the tea bowl breaks, can you pay for it?”

“Master won’t blame his servants for any kind of failure.”

“If it’s an ordinary mistake, yes. But I think the owner here won’t be pleased if there’s something that you handle from long ago and now suddenly you break it…”

Beth didn’t say anything in answer to Opal’s words, but her rebellious gaze tells Opal her feelings.

Opal didn’t care, so she sips a bit of tea and frowns.

Immediately, she looks at Beth like she did something.

“You can’t brew tea now? It’s very astringent. And it’s lukewarm. If this kind of thing continues, you should look for a new job. At that time, I’ll write down a letter of introduction for you. And it will say that you’re not good at brewing tea.”

“What do you think…!!!!!!”

Opal, who has stopped putting up with their annoying tricks, tells Beth her answer.

She had never had such an attitude toward her servants, but she thought that the people of the Duke’s residence were not someone for her to care how she treats them.

Beth’s face was red and tried to reply, but Opal stopped her with one hand.

“In fact, I’m the one with the power to take the decisions here. It’s not only my identity as Duchess, I’m the hostess here, and you’re hired here. If you don’t want to admit it, just quit. In that case, whether you end on the streets or in a mansion somewhere, you and me have nothing to do with each other, so you won’t have to put up with me anymore right? I’ll wear a scarlet dress, have you prepared it or not?”

Beth was pale and shivering, but upon hearing the words of Opal, like an ultimatum, she with regret entered the costume room.

Then silently begin preparations.

“Yeah. If you want to tell Romit about me later, I have something to tell you first. At the tea table after dinner, I have an important story for my husband and Mrs. Northam to hear. It has something to do not just with you, but also with Romit, and anyone that serves in this mansion. If you’re interested, it’ll be in the living room.”

When Opal said that with a smile, Beth stopped moving her hands, which were painfully combing Opal’s hair.

However, when she met the image of Opal in the mirror, she tightly tied her lips and nodded.


After a brief pause, Beth whispered something to herself.

It seems that she has finally felt something strange about Opal, today’s bullish attitude has never existed before.

However, Opal has already made up her mind.

She must inform Hubert as well as Mrs. Northam and the servants that she’s not willing to accept this situation anymore.

Opal plans to give generous treatment to those who change their attitudes.

She stood up, frightened by the uproar that might occur, and headed for dinner.

When she entered the room, Hubert was already seated from earlier. He stood up, but did not escort her to her seat.

While Mrs. Northam was sit at the table, Opal didn’t care, she looked at Hubert’s fashionable jacket and remade clothes and truly thought about their stupidity, but she didn’t care.

Then, Hubert immediately attacked Opal, who was seated.

“What are doing here? All said you threatened to dismiss Beth, right?”

“You have a lot of ears in this mansion, right? But that information is incorrect.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because It’s not a threat, I’m serious about doing it. I’ve been thinking for a while, but the servants here are not fulfilling their duties because of personal feelings. I have carefully told Beth several times. She hasn’t fixed her wrongdoings, so I indicated her with care that this will be the last one I let pass.”

“What… you don’t have that right–“

“Yes. I am the hostess of this mansion. Originally, what to do with the servants is my job, not my husband’s concern.”


Hubert squeezed his words, as he might have felt a stronger will than ever before in the attitude of Opal, who was completely assertive with her words.

Mrs. Northam, who had been laughing and looking at the outcome, opened her mouth wide.

The maids and waiters had a pale complexion, and Romit, who was pouring wine, pulled the bottle out of the glass, perhaps in order to suppress the shaking of his hands.

Upon realizing the situation, Hubert clears his throat.

“– You shouldn’t talk like this.”

“You husband, started this. And it may not be necessary to tell you because you already heard it, but there is an important story I have to tell everyone in the living room after this meal. Please tell Beth as well. As you can see, it’s also related to the servants of this mansion, so please gather those who are interested in listening. “

“What on earth…”

“We’ll see that later. Now, you should enjoy your meal.”

While I was protected by the title of Duchess and hostess of this house, until now I have never spoke to others so strongly, Hubert ended up eating without saying anything more.

However, it seems that he’s intrigued, and he glimpses at Opal every now and then.

Mrs. Northam’s meal didn’t go down through her throat, so the dishes on the plate have not diminished.

Opal had a good meal unlike the other two.

“So, why don’t we have tea in the living room first?”

“Oh, yeah…”

After the meal was over, Opal stood up and called out to everyone, Mrs. Northam nodded anxiously.

Then, Hubert also stands up.

“I think I’ll enjoy the tea as it is today.”

“……Is that so”

While wanting to hear Opal’s story early, Hubert seems to spare time to enjoy alcohol.

However, Opal intended to return to her room to get the important things needed for this discussion.

“Mrs. Northam, I’ll go back to my room to pick up something, so can you ask for some tea?”

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

Mrs. Northam answers with a frightened look, and Hubert squints suspiciously.

Opal left their line of sight while leaving the room, and returned to the guest room, took out a few documents from the bag, and entered the living room.

“Apologies for making you wait”

In the living room, there were already several servants, Romit the housekeeper, maids such as Beth and other servants.

Hubert and Mrs. Northam are sitting on the couch and neither seems to speak about the tea.

Opal is in front of another prepared cup. She sat in front of Hubert, and started immediately.

“From yesterday, the property of the duke’s territory, as well as its inhabitants and my dowry, is all my property. So I give you five days to prepare. During that time, decide if you want to leave here or stay.”

Opal declared the first words to Hubert and Mrs. Northam, then to the servants.

Hubert immediately shows anger.

“What a fool! Certainly, here this Duke has recovered with your dowry, but you have no rights over the property! Don’t upset everyone by saying such stupid things! “

“Are you lying again? That’s not the case. The Duke’s family has only temporarily suppressed the debt with my dowry. Until now, you trusted Omar’s words, “Next year will be bountiful” and let him borrow money taking the territory as guarantee of payment. It seems that his debt has surpassed the value of the territory you have …. the lenders are very tough persons, isn’t them? However, in the near future, he will have to borrow money again and the debt will increase and increase.”

Humiliated in front of the servants, Hubert’s face turned red.

Opal, on the other hand, is calm.

Hubert seems to be getting more and more angry when he sees the frosty look of Opal.

He ordered with a voice as loud as ever.

“Get out! I divorce you! Get out of here now!”

“My husband, if we’re separated, it is up to you to leave. Yesterday afternoon, you signed the document to transfer all the land residences to me.”

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